Looking west from the east end of the building, showing the exterior of the cylindrical element of the worship space
South elevation showing east end of building
South elevation from across the street towards the main entry
Looking west from the main entry
A view of the southeast corner of the building, taken from the street, showing the west end of the building, which has the main residential point of entry
Looking east across the front elevation, with a view into the public room, at dusk
Looking west across the front elevation, with a view into the public room, at dusk. The glass guard allows light through the windows in the window well into basement hub space.
An exterior view of the main community hub entry, showing the solar control awnings above, and the large overhang shading the main community hub windows
Looking east from the reception, past the main community hub entry, to the public room
Looking east from the entry the public room, with a view along the hub corridor
Looking west through the public room, where a range of activities are held, including the serving of meals as part of the meal program.
Looking north through the public room towards the hub corridor
Looking south through the public room towards the park beyond
Looking south from the hub commercial kitchen towards the community room
Looking west within one of the meeting rooms.
Part of the fitting out of the completed building involved the reuse of a number of elements, including the stained glass from the former worship space, shown here on the stair to the lower level of the hub.
Part of the fitting out of the completed building involved the reuse of a number of elements, including the stained glass from the former worship space, and reuse of the wood from the pews for some wall art, and light fixtures.
A multi-denominational worship space is located the the cylindrical element at the east end of the building. Indirect and direct daylight in brought into this double height space, completed by donated decorated chairs and donated artist-created light fixtures.
A view of the basement district energy system
Initial Vision, and Construction Progress
A view of a detail from one of the panels capturing the vision for the project.